Saturday, July 8, 2006

Eagles Rest RV in Valdez, Alaska

     Getting out of the Tolsana campground was tricky.  We had to turn a sharp corner and then get onto a very narrow, single lane bridge with steep edges on both sides.  Rick had walked down and scoped it out before we made the attempt.  He did a great job of pulling wide and then going very straight across the bridge.

     The mosquitoes were thick back in the woods and it was raining.  We found that there was a bicycle event going on as we got to the main road.  All the way down the hill to Valdez we drove slalom with bikes and cars who were trying to avoid the bikes.  Most of the time the shoulder was wide enough for the bike to be on, but on some of the sharp corners and steep grades, it was really a problem with our wide trailer - especially in the rain and fog.  Rick was worn out by the time we got to Valdez.
    Our campground is a crowded gravel lot with some grass for tents.  We had a lot of direction from the campground staff as we backed into our skinny spot.  I actually couldn't believe that it was even possible to get in, but here we are, just a couple feet from our neighbor.   It is lucky that we have gotten so far into this trip before facing the challenge of squeezing into this spot.  We are a pretty good team as we work together to get backed into spots.  However, this one was beyond me.  Good thing that the campground staff is so accustomed to giving direction.  There are few campgrounds in the area so this one is quite full.  Lots of really big Class A rigs all traveling together in a caravan.  The tent spots really filled up with cyclists as they finished their race.  I am happy that I am in a nice, warm, dry camper on this chilly, foggy day and not in a tent.
     We took a short tour of the small town and then  I sewed on the quilt most of the evening.  We keep hoping that the sun will come out because we can see that the town is surrounded by tall mountains.  At the moment we can only see bits of them through the clouds.  It is a really beautiful setting, what a shame that it was the site of one of the largest oil spills ever.

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