Monday, July 10, 2006

Glennallen, Alaska

     We got up to still another grey day in Valdez.  We squeezed our trailer out of its tight spot and started our drive back from the coast and over the mountains to the highway.  Much of the road is a 7.5% grade - quite a long uphill climb.  The truck has really done well on this trip and we haven't had trouble pulling our carefully loaded trailer.We stopped for a break after we got past the summit and Rick saw some oil coming out of the hub cap on the tire that went flat.  He felt the tire and it was very hot.
     We had a very stressful drive the rest of the way back to Glennallen.  Since this cross road town is the largest town in about 300 miles, we decided to stay here and take the truck into an auto repair place.   We stopped in the nicest campground in town (which was not nearly as nice as the one in Tolsana which was 13 miles further west) and dropped the trailer.  Rick took the truck to the auto shop which was conveniently located just across the highway.
    As it turns out, the oil was just the wd40 that Rick had sprayed copiously on the lug bolts when he was trying to get the tire off.  The auto repair folks tested the whole brake system and said that it was just fine.  Rick is relieved and we are only about 40 miles behind schedule.  Easy to make it up tomorrow.

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