Monday, July 24, 2006

Clarkston, WA. Hells Gate RV Park

     We opened the windows last night and it was cool and very quiet sleeping.  I had a great nights sleep and feel good this morning.  We will try to get 50 amp service tonight to see if the RV cools down any faster.  It just doesn't seem to be able to get below about 86 which is way too hot for me even with an extra fan blowing.  Yuck.
     The drive south took us over another mountain pass as was really pretty but hard driving.  Once we got down to the valley and joined I359 all we could see were farm and ranch land with some rolling hills.  Spokane had hectic, heavy traffic with businesses lining the road all the way into town.  Once there we were routed on a detour and had to drive through the busiest part of town.  Rick did great even though he had to change lanes in very heavy traffic at the last minute to get to the on-ramp.  We are really long so that is quite a feat.  He has gotten a lot of experience during this trip!
     Once we got out of town we drove into a set of rolling wheat fields that were very dry and barren. We had to pull into a small town to find a shady place to park under and eat our lunch.  It was 110 in the sun - a little better under the big tree along the road.
    Our campsite is at a marina on the Snake River.  It is only 100 here.  The campground is new and quite nice with 50 amp power.  It also has an indoor pool where we spent the early evening waiting for the trailer to cool down.  It was relaxing to sit by the water in the air conditioning and read.  We watched a lot of boats on the river, but this is a brown and barren area and the landscape looks ugly to me as well as unbelievably hot.

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