Saturday, July 22, 2006

Spense's Bridge, BC. Acacia Grove Campground

     Our drive today went from terrain that looked like the Black Hills with lots of black spruce on rolling hills, to mining towns along the river and finally, the very hot and dry Wyoming type terrain.  The day got hot very quickly after a nice cool night.  We broke camp in our cool, shady campground and then watched the temperatures just soar.  We changed our route a bit so that we got away from some of the busy towns.  They are mostly very ugly and the traffic is bad.  I like to be out in the wilderness so much more.
    I spent a lot of time looking for a campground that was not a parking lot in one of the big towns.  We can do that once in a while, but in this heat it is especially unappealing.  We got lucky and found a great one.  It is in a grove of trees right on the river.  There is also a railroad track just behind us with trains that run every few hours, but we can also hear the sound of the river.  Even this far off the beaten track there are construction workers camped here semi-permanently.  It is a nice spot for a summer of work.

    It was well over 100 when we stopped and then took until after the sun dropped behind the hills to cool down inside the trailer.  I am happy that the days are a little shorter when camping in this heat.  Even Rick was hot today and happy to sit outside in the shade and catch a little breeze.  I sewed and Rick read and we planned our next couple days of driving to Boise. I just hate this heat.

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