Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Haines Junction, Yukon Territory

    We had another very bumpy drive.  It is easier on the way back because we have put latches on all the cabinet doors, rebuilt the broken couch, and learned how to stack everything in the refrigerator and cupboards so that it doesn't fall out the minute the door is open after a day of being jostled around.
    After a few weeks of work while we were in Alaska some of the construction now is mostly done.  There is fresh oil on on some of the stretches which kept down the dust.  The area around Kluane Lake was much nicer on the way back since the road was done.  This is a very dry area, not full of green and trees, but I enjoyed all the wild flowers and grasses that were blooming.  The color of the rocks is beautiful and the lake is a very deep blue. We saw several trailers that were disabled by the drive.  Too much dust and too many bumps.  Fortunately everything held together on our RV today.
    The Kluane RV Park is pretty basic, but lots of folks pulled out their lawn chairs to get some sunshine when they arrived.  We met a couple from Embarrass, Minnesota our were on their way to Alaska.  It was fun to be able to share our experiences.
    Our first stop at the campground was the big car/rv wash so that we could get at least some of the mud, oil and dust off the RV.  I like to be able to see out of the windows - our back picture window was completely covered with mud.  We also like to be able to get into the storage compartments as we set up without getting covered in dust and oil  It is a great deal that so many campgrounds in this area have these huge wash areas.

    I had a frustrating problem with getting onto the Internet and then bang, it worked.  I don't know what was wrong.  I sent off some emails to home and friends.  I miss them all.

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