Monday, July 17, 2006

Watson Lake, YT. Campground Services RV Park

    We had a shorter drive today - only 165 miles - so we didn't rush.  Our camping neighbor  got me up early by standing under my bedroom window and shouting at his wife to start the truck.  he then carried on a conversation with her over the diesel noise.  Most folks in the campgrounds are really polite and friendly.  When we first say this guy he had pants that sagged well below his butt crack and a dirty shirt.  The next day he had on the same  low slung pants and dirty shirt. There was also a young woman wandering around the campground with a big hunting knife strapped to her waist.  Hmm.

    We got to Watson Lake by lunch time, ate, and then went grocery shopping.  Rick went back for another nap and I took the laptop to the office to send off some emails.  It was one of the nicer spots set up for folks who need to connect with home.  Some places were just a folding chair stuck in the laundry room, but this spot had a nice clean table, some decent office chairs, and magazines.  Not spectacular, but reasonably functional.  While I was working on sending emails and telling every about the huge grizzly that we saw along the road, it started to rain.  In these mountains the wind come up, the temperature drops 10 - 20 degrees, and then the rain comes hard.  After the rain, the sun came out and it was sunny and warm again for an hour.  Then the rain returned.    It is easy to forget that the coastal area along the southwest part of Alaska is a temperate rain forest.  It has been very rainy since we started traveling in the Valdez, Haines and Skagway area.  The upside has been some really beautiful gardens with absolutely huge varieties of familiar flowers.  Wow.
   Rick is coughing and feels crummy. Yuck.  I sure hope that he is better tomorrow.

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