Friday, July 28, 2006

Idaho Falls, ID Snake RIver Campground

     There were lots of cars parked near the trailer in the motel parking lot, but Rick was able to get out without too much trouble.  It is another hot, sunny day, but about 10 degrees cooler than it has been.  We drove on the freeway all day today so the driving was easy except for how busy it was with trucks.  We had a nice, grassy, spot at a rest stop for lunch.  It was cool and shady as we sat on the really green grass and had our picnic.  The easy on and off at the rest stops is one big advantage to driving on the interstates.  Even though the land here is still dry, the soil is rich and wherever there is irrigation the crops look like they are growing really well.  We saw lots of corn and potatoes along the way.
    The campground is right along the river and has many big trees.  We got a site with lots of shad and spent the late afternoon at the pool.  We kept nice and cool as well as got some swimming exercise after sitting in the truck all day.  We have mostly been driving and the sitting in the RV due to the heat.  I am really wanting to get out and walk and do some sightseeing.
     We spent the evening sitting outside in our lawn chairs enjoying the beautiful evening.  I really am much happier being in a campground where we can sit outside rather than in the motel.  This life really suits me (except when it is too hot to be out!)

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