Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Fort Nelson , British Columbia West End RV Park

     The drive today was very pretty - along Lake Muncho and up over the Steamboat mountains.  It was warm and sunny and great for being outdoors.  Rick slept well and felt a little better which is good since the drive was very winding and narrow around the lake.  It took a lot of concentration to keep us in our lane.
    Once again, in this area, we saw lots of animals.  Several large bison were just sitting along the road.  One of them was just sauntering along the shoulder as we drove by.  We also saw several groups of wild horses - there are no fences anywhere here.  Around Steamboat we saw dozens of Stone Sheep on the road - many of them had lambs alongside.  The seemed very comfortable with all the cars.
    As we drove we saw several large caravans of RV's coming north.  One of them was at the rest stop at Llaird Hot Springs when we left today.  We are happy that we are traveling on our own - at our own pace and stopping early to enjoy the many interesting spots along the way.  Since we are able to spend such a long time on the road we are also able to travel slowly and spend more time in each area. I really want to savor this once in a lifetime trip.

     Our campground at Fort Nelson is crowded with "work campers" in the wooded area.  Many messy, noisy sites full of broken down cars and old, old rigs.  The open area was almosty empty when we pulled in.  Then, about 6 PM, over 20 more RV's arrived and filled up the area.  It was pretty hot in the RV when we stopped - over 85.  It is a hint of what is to some as we head south.  Fortunately it was much cooler indoors and out by 8 and we were able to sleep well.

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