Monday, July 31, 2006

Casper, WY Casper KOAwa

    We left Jackson and drove over Toghetee Pass.  Rick and I both remember some perilous drives over this pass in the winter on our way to skiing at Jackson.  I remember a white out so complete that we could only navigate by watching the deep snow posts along the road - looking for the next one as we drove an hoping that we were seeing the one on OUR side of the road.  In the summer the pass did not seem as steep and it was very pretty at the top with high open meadows.  This is a big snowmobiling area and looked like a fun place to try mountain snowmobiling.   After we got over the pass, we rant into road work which really slowed us down.  I am sick of sitting in a line waiting for our turn on one-way roads.  I guess that I am just ready to be home and out of the truck.  At least we got really good leather seats and have been very comfortable during our long drives.
     By afternoon the weather turned windy.  We stopped at a rest stop for lunch and tried to sit outside in a shelter, but the wind was blowing through it so strong that we couldn't hold on to our sandwiches.  Then the sprinklers came out and gave us a shower so we gave up and went back to the trailer.  It is warmer again, but not in the hundreds, so it isn't too bad to sit inside to eat.
    This area of Wyoming is very dry and there is an extreme fire danger warning.   The air is really hazy with smoke from distant forest fires.  The landscape is really dry and brown - not very attractive but it never is in this part of Wyoming.  The towns seem dusty and ugly to me too.  Not my favorite part of the country.  However we saw dozens of antelope and lots of horses running on the huge open range land.

    Our KOA tonight is clean and has nice sites, but it is in an overall pretty ugly area.  I am longing for the green grass and shady trees of Minnesota.

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