Sunday, July 30, 2006

Jackson Wyoming. Grand Teton National Park

     We had a wonderfully cool night and woke up to a beautiful morning.  Since we were not in a hurry today I made a real breakfast of sausage and eggs and we had time for several cups of coffee.  I hate to drink too much coffee when we have a long drive as we never know when we can pull over for a potty break.  I decided to do a little cleaning and tried to vacuum the carpet, but the vacuum quit because it was so full of dust.  I wish that we had less carpet and more hard surface floor space.  The dusty roads in Alaska really brought a lot of dirt into the trailer.

     Today we went to Grand Teton National Park and drove the Teton Park road - stopping at many of the overlooks.  The mountains seem to jump right out of the Snake River valley to 11,000'.  The Coulter Bay campground in the park looked really nice and shade ans had full hookups.  It may be a nice spot to stay some time in the future.  In addition, it is only 20 miles from the south entrance to Yellowstone, so it could be a good place to base camp if we visited this area again.
     Much of the drive today was either along the Snake River of around Jackson Lake.  The lake is huge and a big draw for boating, swimming and fishing.  It was hot by mid-afternoon and we saw lots of folks on the water including a bunch of rafts on the river.  Plenty to do here in the summer as well as the winter.
     As we drove today we talked about Uncle Bud's suggestion that we drive along the coast of Oregon.  He really recommended it as one of his favorite places to travel in his RV.  When we got back to camp we also looked at the map to see that Yosemite is in Northern California so we could probably make a stop there.  I would love to get to see the big trees of California.  We will need to look more at maps and start planning another trip.  There are so many great places to see.  We will have to check off more parks, more states and more scenic wonders.

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